Monthly Archives: July 2012

Tr!ckster Symposia in San Diego

Heading to San Diego Thursday morning, and one of the things I’m most looking forward to is contributing to Tr!ckster once again. This year I’ll be participating in two separate writing symposia, one on Friday morning from ten to noon, and the other on Saturday. I’ll also surely be hanging out at Tr!ckster through much of the show.

Last year, these events were truly inspiring, with fantastic back and forth between enthusiastic creators and attendees.

This year we’ll be covering two topics that I’m passionate about:


CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and the shaping of emotion

“Character” is often considered the core of storytelling. In the telling of finite tales we experience characters growing and learning before our eyes, changing world views and making life-altering decisions that resonate with us on a basic human level, while in episodic stories, it’s the characters that lay the consistent groundwork to help us explore new situations with a steady anchor. What makes “character” tick is a layering of designed, deliberate choices by a storyteller. Broad acting and charming dialogue are the product of what lies beneath the surface of any character: inner turmoil, unspoken hopes and dreams, and conflict.

Join a cadre of today’s top storytellers in this unique 2-hour discussion workshop designed to bolster the craft of creating unique characters from the ground up.

Participating storytellers include ED BRUBAKER (Fatale, Criminal), MATT WAGNER (Grendel, Mage), JIMMY PALMIOTTI (Creator-Owned Heroes, The Pro), B. CLAY MOORE (Hawaiian Dick), IVAN BRANDON (Viking, The Cross Bronx), SCOTT MORSE (Strange Science Fantasy, BRAVE), MARC ANDREYKO (Torso, The Lost), ANDE PARKS (Capote in Kansas, Union Station) and more to be announced shortly!

FRIDAY, July 13, 2012

10:00 AM -12:00 PM



WORLD BUILDING and the immaculate reality

The worlds through which our stories weave aren’t cut from whole cloth: we craft them with careful consideration, always aware of what lies behind the curtain and beyond the horizon, aware that these elements inform the focused view of our central story. If we do our jobs right, a simple glance will convince our audiences that the worlds we create seem fully realized and rich with culture and ideas unique to the intentions of our tales. Religion, politics, social structure, science, and history all play into the coloring of the worlds we create; entering into a storytelling relationship with our audience requires a crafted experience that’s considered from all sides, at all times.

Join today’s leading storytellers as we discuss, in this 2-hour workshop environment, just how worlds are born and are set to collide with confidence.

Participating storytellers include STEVE NILES (30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre, Crime and Terror), CRAIG THOMPSON (Blankets, Hibibi), B. CLAY MOORE (Hawaiian Dick), SCOTT MORSE (Strange Science Fantasy, BRAVE), TED MATHOT (Cora, Rose and Isabel, BRAVE), MARC ANDREYKO (Torso, The Lost), and more to be announced shortly.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

10:00 AM -12:00 PM


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