Monthly Archives: June 2020


It’s been two years since I posted anything new here, but I’d like to keep it better updated for anyone who drops by.

Last month saw the release of OUR FIGHTING FORCES GIANT #1, in both a comic shop and a mass market (Walmart) edition. The book features a reprint of a story I wrote, drawn by Paul McCaffrey, for MEN OF WAR #4 several years ago.

I had no idea this was happening, but it was nice to see. The story is a small personal favorite of mine. (although I made the mistake of reading a new review, which wasn’t exactly positive. It was well-reviewed at the time, and I like it, anyway) Paul’s style isn’t exactly typical of DC, especially for a war book, but that’s fine with me.

The story features the debut (and only appearance, I think) of “Skull & ‘Bots,” which we’d originally intended to call “Skunkworks” before DC legal said no-no. I still quite like the concept. Some geek types designing special military hardware for the armed forces, under the watchful eye of their handler, who also procures their budgets…


It’s one of two war stories I did for DC. The other being an earlier stand-alone issue of OUR FIGHTING FORCES, featuring the Losers. Art by Chad Hardin and Wayne Faucher. I haven’t looked back at that one in a while. (Nifty Mark Schultz cover below)


Anyway, if you’re near a Walmart, look for it! It’s one of the better 100-page Walmart books I’ve seen, beyond our story.


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