B. Clay Moore Bio

B. Clay Moore has written comic books for virtually every major publisher, including Image Comics, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Valiant, WildStorm, Oni Press and Top Cow Productions. He is the co-creator of a handful of critically acclaimed creator-owned books. HAWAIIAN DICK was named by WIZARD MAGAZINE one of the top 100 graphic novels published during their lifetime, and BATTLE HYMN was listed in the book 500 ESSENTIAL GRAPHIC NOVELS. THE LEADING MAN was optioned for development by Universal Pictures. The upcoming BILLY SMOKE was optioned for development by Warner Bros.

He co-created THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF THE WHISTLING SKULL with Tony Harris (from DC Comics), and is a founding member of Bad Karma Creative (BAD KARMA VOLUME ONE). Forthcoming creator-owned books include ALOHA, HAWAIIAN DICK with artist Jacob Wyatt (from Image Comics) and the collected JACKIE KARMA, with artist Ed Tadem.

In 2009 Moore was nominated for the Crimespree Award for best writer, and HAWAIIAN DICK was nominated for the Spinetingler Award for best comic book.

15 responses to “B. Clay Moore Bio

  1. I love your comic work – when will HAWAIIAN DICK, Volume 3 come out?

    • bclaymoore

      Thanks, Rob. Since the last issue that was supposed to be included in the trade was delayed, the third volume has been pushed back. Look for a new Dick book later this year.

  2. Karen S.

    Hi there! I met you — briefly — at the Windy City Comic Con. You were kind enough to give me a comic (Hawaiian Dick) for free because I’m new to comics and still discovering what I like and don’t like. Well, I liked Hawaiian Dick and ’76, which I did pay for. 😀
    Reading both of those has helped me understand what is possible in comics. I mean, beyond superhero stuff, some of which I like, but I’m enjoying finding out that there is more to comics than superheroes. I’ve begun noodling around with some non-superhero ideas for comics and it’s been fun.
    I look forward to reading more of your work, and congratulations on all your success! I’m interested to see what Hollywood makes of your comics.
    Thank you.


    • bclaymoore

      Thank YOU, Karen! Glad to help introduce you to some of the different options lurking behind comic book covers.

      Hope you keep reading, and thanks again for giving the books a try.

  3. Adam Mace

    Hey Clay. What’s this new book you’re doing with Tony Harris? I just read a little blurb about it over at CBR in an interview with Hank Kanalz.

  4. Mike Giba

    Hi Clay, good to see you out at C2E2! Any news on Black Kite?

  5. Brett Hartley

    Hey Clay,
    I have been a comic book fan since junior high. Mainly Marvel and some DC. Got out of it somewhere along the line in college. But always appreciate the art and writing. This is so cool that you write comics!

    Brett Hartley

  6. Brett Hartley

    Hi Clay,
    I have been a comic fan since junior high days. Mostly Marvel and some DC. Fell out of it in college. But always appreciate the art and writing. That is so cool you write comics!

    Brett Hartley

  7. Hi Clay!

    I really enjoyed meeting/talking with you at the Phoenix Comicon a few weeks back – it’s been a while since I’ve had a good chat with anyone about the history/industry/craft of comics.

    I totally lost your email so I figured I’d catch up with you here. I read both Dick trades and I loved ’em. Great stuff. I’d love to work with you at some point. In the meantime, I started working with one of the other guys I met at the Con – on a really cool project. Don’t know how much I can say about it, but the first scenes are set in the 50s – I did a ton of research and I dig it! I’m doing character/cover designs right now & should be on to pages in a week or so.

    Anyway – just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that hangin’ out with you for a couple hours during the Con really made my weekend.

    Talk to you later – shoot me an email if you want. Thanks again.


  8. Adam Mace

    Hey Clay. With DC announcing today that the Wildstorm imprint is being shut down, where does that leave The Further Adventures of the Whistling Skull? Vertigo perhaps?

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